Talk to God and Trust the Answers

The veil is torn. You were made to have a direct relationship with God.
Have you ever had a prophetic dream, which later came true, but you were scared to share your vision with others, out of fear of ridicule or persecution?
Do you sometimes get a hunch or feeling about something, but instantly write it off as being “in your head”? (Only to find out later you were 100% right?)
Or maybe you have a big decision to make, and instead of trusting your gut, you overthink and overanalyze it to death, wishing there was a way to quiet the chaos?
I promise you – you’re NOT crazy. You’re NOT making it up. And you’re NOT alone!
God is talking to you!
Through signs, symbols, whispers, and wonders… these are proof of God’s presence in your life. And He wants to help YOU pursue your purpose and live a life beyond your wildest dreams.

Just imagine how GOOD it will feel…
➢ Making God your BFF, having Him on speed dial, and talking to Him WHENEVER you need guidance or support.
➢ Trusting the answers you receive so that you can STOP second-guessing yourself and START feeling aligned with your divine mission and vision.
➢ Waking up every day feeling on FIRE with the Holy Spirit, having a crystal clear vision of your future, and knowing EXACTLY how to pursue your purpose.
➢ Having complete confidence in your God-given calling and identity in Christ so you can SHARE your spiritual gifts with the world.
➢ Acknowledging, embracing, and developing your spiritual GIFTS, including the gift of prophecy, speaking in tongues, and laying hands for healing.

Are you ready to connect with your creator?
No question is too big or too small!

Have you ever wondered if there’s more to life than just waking up and going to work? Or felt like no matter how much money you earn, or how successful you are, it’s never enough? Or that you’re not enough?
You’re here for a reason. God has a plan for your life. You have a God-given purpose and divine mission, and I’m here to help you connect to your calling.

Do you often receive visions or hear voices, but you don’t know what they mean? Or you’re afraid to talk about what you’re hearing and experiencing because no one else seems to understand or believe you?
You have a gift. You were born with spiritual gifts and abilities, which have been lost over time. I can help you discover your spiritual gifts and use them for good.

Have you ever felt “weird” or out of place? Like you were “different,” set apart and don’t belong here on this earth? Do you know you’re meant to help people, but you just don’t know how, or where to start?
You’re meant to share your gifts with the world. When you take inspired action and share your God-given gifts, you release the strongholds of the past and make the world a better place.
Embrace Your Spiritual Gifts
Whether you can see the future, speak in tongues, or lay hands to heal people, you’ve been blessed with spiritual gifts and abilities, which are meant to be shared. When we share our God-given gifts, we heal not only ourselves but others as well.
Many people, including myself, can channel grace to help people heal. Healing is one of several spiritual gifts. But we’re not the ones healing people. We’re merely vessels to be used by the Holy Spirit. Ultimately, God is the one who’s healing.
God uses people – imperfect, flawed human beings such as me and you – to do His work in the world. Meaning you don’t have to be “perfect” to be used by God. You can be a shining light no matter where you’re at in life.
So if you’re wondering, “Why me?”, my question is, why NOT you? You’ve been chosen. You’ve been called. It’s time to answer the call.
Are you ready to be a channel for grace and show God’s love to the world?

Meet the Coach
Nicole Starbuck is a Catholic coach and faith-based healer. As a channel and vessel for the Holy Spirit to move through her, Nicole is passionate about empowering people to find and pursue their God-given purpose. By combining Biblical teachings and prayer, she guides people toward having a deeper, more intimate relationship with God to receive divine guidance and wisdom directly from Him. When we are in tune with God and in alignment with the plans He has for us, we can share our spiritual gifts with the world with clarity and confidence.
Nicole has dedicated her life to honoring her calling of helping people live happy, healthy, and whole lives. She lives in Houston, TX with her husband and two children. When she’s not chasing her littles around the house, she enjoys spending time with God by reading the Bible, praying and meditating, and singing worship songs.
I’d love to show you how to tune in to the Holy Spirit, develop your prophetic abilities, and share your spiritual gifts with the world!

Nicole is amazing and you gain so much insight into your life and how to finally achieve the dreams you’ve had for years. It’s worth every penny. I highly recommend Nicole. She helped me… dig deep into why I was feeling a certain way. She listened and could really help me identify my resistance in places I didn’t even think was possible. She allowed me space to believe in myself again which allowed my business to grow, reaching the next level. Thank you, Nicole, for your gifts and ability to see where I limit myself.

Rachael Weaver
CopywriterNicole came into my life at exactly the right moment. Together, we fine-tuned my goals. By the end of our sessions together, I had accomplished my business goal. Not only that, but I learned so much about myself along the way.

Suzanne Kopecki
Wellness CoachI was struggling with finding myself spiritually and the tools and wisdom that Nicole gives are truly helpful in every way… I highly recommend to any female entrepreneurs who are looking to make a positive change for good.

Samantha Griffin
Home OrganizerNicole worked with me to navigate many life changes and showed me how to make decisions and lean into what will create more happiness for me. She is genuine and non-judgmental. It was great processing my thoughts with someone so unbiased.

Emily Thomas
Registered NurseWhen I met Nicole, I wasn’t sure what and if I had any spiritual gifts and where I was headed with most aspects of my life. I just knew things weren’t right. I was at a crossroads and wasn’t sure where to head next. The feeling of general unease and unwellness permeated everything. I was tired. I didn’t really want to DO anything. Playing with the kids was a chore, working on my relationship with my husband was a pain, and the thought of trying to get out of the job that was making me miserable was a headache and heartache on top of it all.
Nicole really helped me just focus on what was important to me and find a way to clear out the clutter in my mind. I realized that some of the “fuzz” in my mind was actually my spirit… trying to talk to me, but I wasn’t willing to listen. Once I opened my mind and heart to the possibility of resolving the conflict within myself, one by one, the external problems also began to resolve one by one as well. My relationship with my husband and our communication improved. My playful side reemerged and the kids and I began to have more fun together. My Etsy business not only found roots but began to thrive. And a job that had been draining my energy, I was able to leave when a new opportunity fell into my lap.
With Nicole’s help, I’ve learned to let go of the need to be in control of every little thing. And in releasing the need to know the how and when everything will work out, I have found more things falling into place. More dreams coming true in even better ways than I could even imagine.
I highly recommend Nicole. She is easy to talk to and her whole life approach is amazing. You cannot just focus on one part of your life when many things are not working. As you sort out the roots that are tangled, she has amazing resources to help you branch out and find additional contacts to help you further your journey and she is always there to assist you as well!

Becca Konen